
I’m going to vote for the first time in my life !

                  WOW , I’m going to vote for the first time ! I am really excited about voting for the first time. Now I feel like I have grown up and I am a citizen of my country. I have the power to make someone win in the elections. This right to vote is the basic right without which all others are meaningless. It gives people, people as individuals, control over their  own destinies. The vote is precious. It is the most powerful non-violent tool we have in a democratic society, and we must use it.   The most important office, and the one which all of us can and should fill, is that of private citizen. Every election is determined by the people who show up. Voting is the expression of our commitment to ourselves, one another, this country, and this world. If we don't vote, we are ignoring history and giving away the future.

About Myself

 My name is Hilda Tresburey and I’m 18 years old. My dream career is to be a lawyer and to be in a big law firm. My hobby is to play with my dogs during my free time. My dream university is UNISZA which is in Terengganu.

Poetry Short Paragraph

Both writing and reading poetry, through their expression of feelings and words have highly therapeutic effects on the mind. The structure of a poem favours brevity yet the best poems also capture succinct detail, making them incredibly powerful in getting a message across to the reader.  Writing poetry requires the poet to be extremely disciplined with his choice of words and the number of words, to create a sharp and accurate snapshot of what he or she is feeling. This combination of brevity and detail gives the reader open access to the poet’s mind and enables the reader to truly connect with the poet.